Dexorder Features
Limit Orders / Diagonals
Set price limits and wait for the market to come to you. You can even make diagonal limit lines, for example to buy trend pullbacks.
Buy 1.0 WETH/USD if the price is below $2000
Dollar cost average (DCA) or get a time-weighted average price (TWAP) by using the timing features available in dexorders. Set rate limits in combination with limit lines to trigger a DCA/TWAP only when certain price targets are met.
Buy 0.1 WETH/USDC daily
When WETH/USDC drops below $2000, buy 5% per hour.
Stop-Loss / Take-Profit
Automatically exit your positions by attaching a conditional order to your entry order.
After buying WETH/USDC, sell if it gains 25%
After buying WETH/USDC, sell if it loses 5%
Breakout Orders / Range Orders
Wait until the market pumps above your target level before buying into the new trend. Use custom tranches to set both an upper and lower range limit.
Wait for SHT/USDC to break above $0.01 then buy 50,000 SHT.
Buy WETH/USDC only in the price range $2000-$2500
One-cancels-the-other (OCO) Groups
Multiple orders may be bundled into an OCO group, in which case if one order triggers, it cancels the others. The cancellation can be triggered by either a partial fill of any amount or by the completion of an entire order.
Buy $100 worth of SHT/USDC below $0.002 or $100 worth of SHTC/USDC below $0.001, but don't buy both.
One-click Cancel All
Since your trading vault is aware of all the orders you've placed in it, it can efficiently cancel all your open orders with just a single transaction. Even if you have 1,000 open orders, one quick, cheap CancelAll transaction is all you need.